Level up your writing

Edit your novel with Jon Tilton

Beyond a regular edit.

I explain the “why” behind my suggestions because a quality edit improves more than just one manuscript—it also levels up your writing.

  • Writing Consult

    Are you just starting out? Unsure about what you’re doing right and wrong? You don’t have to wait until you have a full manuscript to receive professional direction. In fact, you might save a lot of time and headache by doing this early on in your writing process.

  • Developmental Edit

    A developmental edit focuses on big picture items like story structure, conflict, pacing, character development, world-building, narrative voice, plot holes, and theme.

  • Line Edit

    A line edit focuses on the sentence-level details in your novel, from clarity to dialogue. This package is usually best if you’ve already had a developmental edit.

All editing services include in-line edit notes, a detailed manuscript report, and up to two hours of phone time to discuss your work. Free sample edits are available to make sure we’re a good fit for each other.

Ready to get started? Email contact@jontilton.com

My approach

  • Personal

    Each writer is at a different point in his or her career, and each manuscript has different needs. I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. I also offer a free sample edit so we can determine if my approach is a good fit for your project.

  • Comprehensive

    As an independent author myself, I understand your need to make every dollar count. You will receive detailed notes covering your manuscript from every angle. Each edit also includes optional phone time to discuss your work.

  • Educational

    My notes are more than a simple list of changes—they’re also a guide to improve your writing, tailored to your personal strengths and weaknesses. I always explain the “why” so you can grow as an author.

“Jon’s notes always leave you with plenty to ponder over, and his feedback is the perfect balance of honest critique and sincere encouragement. Every time I feel that I’ve polished a draft to perfection, Jon manages to bring up something I never could have caught on my own. Choosing Jon as your editor will not only whip your work into shape, it’ll grow you as a writer.”

-Testimonial from author Frazier Alexander

Wherever you are in the process, let’s talk and take your writing to the next level.